...Last time I was on the freeway. I even gave my front tires a good kick when I got to where I was going. They seemed fine so I figured it was me just being overly sensitive.
That was a few weeks ago. Fast forward to today. I ordered one of those tough-sheds and today was the big day. The guys came and built it and all that was great. Later, I was sitting in the shade after shoveling some gravel outta the truck and I noticed something amiss.
This is the view from where I was sitting:
I could just see enough of the truck to notice this:
I guess that's why my steering felt off the other day. Looks like I'm off to the bolt store tomorrow
Oh, so here's the new shed in all it's glory

Now maybe I can get enough stuff outta the shop so I could-I don't know-maybe have somewhere I could work on sway bar bolts or something...