Originally Posted by Wrenchbender Ret
If the spider gears roll out of place it's no big deal. You can put them back in. The only thing you have to cross you fingers for is the lock bolt not broken. Sometimes the lock bolt is broke & part of it stays in. If that happens say a few choice words & post the question on here as how to remove it. If it comes out complete rejoice & dig in & complete the job.
Except that it's a blue steel biyatch to rotate the gears to get the spider gears lined up, laying on your back on that puddle of gear oil, which will take a whole bottle of shampoo to get the smell out.
Personally, I'd just wire brush 'em, spray purple power to get the grease off, and paint in place. You get into the bearings and seals at your own risk, if they aren't leaking!