Originally Posted by 57taskforce
The pinion and carrier won't come out until the axle shafts are removed.
Did some research so I can speak nearly educated about my confusion. I don't understand why that's true. Perhaps that's the better order of things, because I'm pulling everything off anyway?
From what I can tell, any corrections welcome, you can just unbolt the retainers at the axle yoke, unbolt the carrier bearing support, push/pry the shafts forward from the rear, and the shafts are ready to pull off.
I see it's a good idea to mark the yokes. For me that means scribes, because it's a "restoration".
Originally Posted by Steeveedee
Except that it's a blue steel biyatch to rotate the gears to get the spider gears lined up, laying on your back on that puddle of gear oil, which will take a whole bottle of shampoo to get the smell out.
Personally, I'd just wire brush 'em, spray purple power to get the grease off, and paint in place. You get into the bearings and seals at your own risk, if they aren't leaking!
I get your meaning. The nice thing about a restoration is there are no puddles, and there's nothing else on the frame but suspension, engine & transmission. Seems if you reinstall the pin it holds the gears in place? That said, I don't know what to expect if the axle yoke is pulled.
Originally Posted by Al1957
Agree, if not leaking, paint them in place. It can be a real can of worms.
Yikes. Now I'm thinking paint in place. Hmmmmmm.
Originally Posted by nightrider388
Also, Most axles this age have a pretty significant groove from the seal. Sometimes can be a problem with a new seal, being leak free.
Double yikes.