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Old 09-19-2017, 01:45 PM   #34
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Post Re: Transmission swap- TH350 to 700R4

Also, another bit of info on 700R4 gear shifting. I picked up a table on part throttle shifting speeds, of course it varies per vehicle; weight, governor setup, axle ratios, tires, etc.

The interesting thing to note is that it notes only WOT shifts are controlled by the governor, otherwise it is controlled by the TV cable. I'm going to call into B&M about their governor calibration kit to verify that it only impacts the WOT shifting.

1st - 2nd -15 MPH
2nd - 3rd 25-30 MPH
3rd - 4th (OD) 45 MPH
These are approximate factory shift points.
WOT shifts are controlled by the governor.
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