Originally Posted by SeventyOne
I wonder if you can get creative with the mounting and not have to modify the SS fuel lines you already have in place.
I think I found a place I can mount it and it would be sort of hidden and out of the way and will only use about 6" or so or rubber hoses and I can still use the main fuel line without any mods.
In-between the main fuel line inside the rail of the frame and fuel tank, there is a spot I could mount it.. This would put it as close to the gas tank as possible.
I'm already preparing for Murphy's law, the fuel pump has to be mounted perfectly vertical and I would bet this pump is going to be too tall to place inside the channel of the frame.
Today, I'm going to pull the gas tank and start piecing together how I'll route everything. I'll probably end up having to fab up a u-shaped bracket that extends out just pass the frame rail so the fuel pump is able to be mounted vertically without any obstruction.
If I didn't want to go through all that work, I could mount it on the outside of the frame, but that's just going to look off and probably could get damaged.