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Old 09-22-2017, 08:57 PM   #5
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Re: Are there bed differences between types and wheelbase?

Does it have the SPID still? I don't believe you have a Custom Camper, based on your description of the badging. Longhorn does not mean it's a Custom Camper (The term Camper Special didn't come until the square body years btw, but for 65-72, they were called "Custom Campers" if RPO Z81 if the truck was so equipped - it's just a badging thing that requires certain suspension options). Anyway, if it were a Custom Camper, the Custom/30 badge would be superseded by a CustomCamper30 badge on the fender (and you'd have a Z81 on the SPID).

I was under the impression that Longhorns only came with wood beds - but don't know for certain. Would like to see a metal one if there's one out there.
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