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Old 10-02-2017, 06:42 PM   #34
AussieinNC's Avatar
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Re: Need another pic: hooked up battery area.

It is my understanding that 67-70 ground battery leads do not use the integral additional ground lead. The 67-70 use a collection of ground straps between the Main ground on the engine, small ground straps between the engine and cab and engine and chassis and chassis and passenger side inner fender panel.

The radiator support (and headlamps etc) obtained its ground path via the radiator support bolted to the fender which was bolted to the inner fender...

71 and 72 improved the ground circuit design with the addition of the integral smaller ground wire that directly terminated on the radiator support.

I know on my 67 Long box, as I dismantle the front clip, there is lots of wild and woolly additional wiring been added, and yet, disconnected original ground straps, including the small one at rear of the engine, jammed under the rocker cover!...Now I know where the oil leak was coming from...

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