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Old 10-28-2017, 01:42 AM   #2
In The Ten Ring
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Join Date: Jun 2013
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Re: Where do I even start?

OMGosh, you are me! I have almost the exact same story, except it was my dad's truck and it's not nearly as nice or as optioned as yours.

OK.....let's break this down.

1). It runs and drives. That's pretty huge.

2). So what do you want? You typed "tune up." If that's all you want then you could be looking at as simple a thing as new spark plugs and maybe a points check. You could be looking at as complicated as a gas tank "renew," new fuel lines, and carb rebuild, new spark plugs, points check, new spark plug wires, new battery cables, new radiator, new hoses, etc. *None of this is very hard to do (I've done it all alone, just with help from this site).

3). You have some body rust, especially around the tool box, and the tool box lid isn't straight. You could be looking at significant body panel repair (welding and painting) which will be expensive.

You've got to give us more info. Do you want to get rid of the rust also?

*Love the story, truck, and paint.

PS: I could view all your pics on that link, you might want to change the privacy settings.
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