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Old 11-07-2017, 05:37 PM   #1
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sbc 400, what size pistons to use....

Hi Guys, in reading Coleys recent thread on sbc 400's, I think that would be perfect for my latest 71 C10. For the last small block I rebuilt for my 69 GMC, I installed a new set of Vortex heads and just love the engine, a great combination for my needs.
So, I am planning on running a pair of Vortex heads on the 400 build. Now in looking at the 400 engine kits I think they all come with stock dished pistons...not sure what size dish stocks are. My question is , what size cc dish pistons do I need to put me in the ball park compression wise using vortex heads. In my 69 I am running an HEI ignition and hafta run premium fuel and that is no problem.
I am thinking somewhere around a 15 cc dish , stock , thick head gastet should come in somewhere between 9.8 to 10.3 compression. What combo did you use for your 400 that got you a happy motor.....thanks....
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