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Old 04-20-2004, 10:15 AM   #4
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Arizona
Posts: 58
Sorry i want $1000 for all the mentioned parts with the beds,cab, and all the parts below it.

I am not selling any of the parts individually really, but i made a previous deal on the cab and bed, if it can be arranged to be shipped. If it sells i will sell the rest in one lot CHEAP.

I dont have any pictures available the parts are in boxes, crates, in the back of the bed etc. Im not that anxious to dig it all out. Unless someone is very serious. I ve taken many pictures in the past, just because people are curious. Im going to give it about a month, and then it all is leaving whether it sells or i have to haul it off. I hate to, but i just want no parts lying around. I dont have any trucks anymore to use any of this stuff.
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