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Old 11-13-2017, 11:46 PM   #30
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Re: 3 Kids, 1 Wife, and 1 Lonely Blazer

Update time! Per the thread title, I've basically disappeared for a while. Kids and life have limited my Blazer time, but I was expecting that.
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Over the summer I did a few things. Cleaned up the intake and installed the top end components.
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Had to make a new power steering line for the high pressure side. I had a short section of hydraulic hose made up with compression fittings. Cut the formed hard lines where needed and installed. Not many people document this, so I thought it might help someone.
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Shortened the low pressure line and I also had to plug the 2nd low pressure reurn line on the bottom of the pump. I believe that's used for hydroboost applications which I hope to convert to in the future.
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