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Old 12-11-2017, 08:30 PM   #56
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Re: Started My Never-Ending Project

Originally Posted by jaros44sr View Post
Chris, just a word of caution on two fronts...

first your glass filter has what appears to scratches, which is good as it is not glass. Bad, as a dropped wrench will shatter it, and a fire could develop around hot headers and manifolds or a spark from wires. hopefully the filter is plastic

Second, poly tanks are not the way to go, IMHO, you have to take the neck off of your old tank, with a chisel and tin snips, then clean up the rest with a torch to get the soldier off and remove the two palnuts. The poly tank has no way of soldering on your old neck, since it is plastic

You may come up with your own idea, but I haven't seen it work out yet on the boards, post up if you have a solution
I agree on the poly tank. Although since you are in Utah... not sure if you are near Salt Lake City or not, But if you are... You should be able to talk to High Country Fusion. They may be able to weld something onto the neck of that tank. Call them at 801 355 3877. If you decide to go this route and they give you the cold shoulder shoot me a PM, I will call their sales rep and see if we can sweet talk them. They specialize in the fabrication of high density polyethylene. The unknown is what kind of poly your tank is made out of. Can you post a pic of the tank when it arrives?
Full top blazer or bust....
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