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Old 12-13-2017, 12:22 PM   #65
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Join Date: Nov 2017
Location: Utah
Posts: 33
Re: Started My Never-Ending Project

I ended up using a 1 1/4" hose from O'reilly. It was a little spendy at $36 but it worked fine and was plenty stiff for the application. Didn't get a chance to get a pic of just the hose.

On a side note, I found out the NP205 I just spent all that time on is leaking oil out of the front drive shaft yoke. I either didn't torque it enough or didn't apply enough sealant so that's gonna be fun as there isn't much room now that's is back in the Jimmy. I have plenty of impact sockets but they are almost too thick and I need a thin wall as I think that may be why I thought it was torqued and maybe it wasn't.
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