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Old 12-19-2017, 02:57 PM   #1
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New rims need HELP

So I searched and searched for the right rim/tire combo and finally pulled the trigger from MR Wheel deal. The rims are Fuel Hostage 18x12 -44 offset with Toyo RT tires. Fast forward I received the combo pre mounted and balanced and notice they have 2 valve stems one on each side. I mounted the first tire on and new the inside clearance on the valve stem vs tie rod would be close but it does hit. At this point I had no clue these rims would come this way so I got back on Fuels web site and can not find any info about having 2 valve stems. I called Mr Wheel deal up and they acted very stupid about the issue and did tell me some guys flip the valve stem but to me that's not the best solution. I did find some block off plugs that might work but now that i look at the rim the hole for the valve stem is right down at the middle of a root radius so the plug probably won't fit right. My next thought is to tap the hole with a pipe fitting and plug it that way. Have any of you dealt with this problem before? I also e-mailed Fuel and have not heard any thing back at all gerrr...
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