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Old 04-23-2004, 01:00 PM   #1
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Question Mini starter, heat shield, or remote solenoid?

Well, the warmer weather is coming and once again I'm faced with starter-related problems due to heat. I'm determined to fix the problem for good this weekend, and I'd like to hear your opinions/experiences on the best way to do it.

I've heard of three alternatives:

1. Install a heat shield to insulate the starter from the exhaust manifold. Shield deflects heat away from starter/soleniod.

2. Install a mini starter/solenoid. Because it's smaller, it's farther away from the heat source.

3. Install a remote starter solenoid that essentially reroutes the wiring to a Ford-like solenoid mounted away from the engine.

I'd be interested to hear about anyone's opinions and/or experiences on these options (or other methods). Thanks!
72 Cheyenne Super Custom Camper
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