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Old 04-24-2004, 02:16 PM   #18
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I don't understand. From this description it sounds like you are adding a remote starter solenoid in series with the starter mounted solenoid. Now you have two solenoids instead of one. How does this help? You still need the chevy starter solenoid to be functional, for contacting the 12V to the motor, and to engage the bendix gear to the flywheel.

If you changed to a different type of starter without a piggyback solenoid that would be another story, but this isn't the case.

It sounds like in your description you jumpered the battery post to the start terminal, this would trigger the solenoid any time the batery post is remotely powered but still routes power through the solenoid's contacter. Wouldn't you want to jump to the motor input, bypassing the solenoid contacts? You would still need to jump to the start terminal also i believe as the solenoid still has to activate to engage the bendix.
72 Cheyenne Super 4x4 SWB
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