Re: Need help diagnosing
WELL, you beat me with your recent response Zac, You may be flooding your sparkies. Pull a few plugs after a 30 second run/die and check it for wet gas on the tips.
You can ignore the following then...
Just for starters (get it?) (Ha)...
You need Fuel, Spark and Air.
Getting air is pretty easy unless your air filter is plugged dirty or the air cleaner is blocked off somehow.
Fuel...Make sure you are getting a fuel squirt when you pump the throttle by looking down the carb when you pump the throttle. You should see some fuel squirting down in there. Too much fuel can be a problem and is usually validated by a gassy wet spark plug tip after a prolonged attempt and failed start.
Spark...Pull a plug wire at the spark plug and put in a good plug in the wire that is not screwed into the head, hold it with a good pair of insulated channel locks (or the like, you'll find out why if you don't use insulated handle pliers - let's just say it will be SHOCKING) and ground the bent end of the plug against the block somewhere (or bracket or whatever), have a helper turn the ignition key and spin the motor over like you are trying to start it. You should see a good spark jump at the sparkplug. If not, you could suspect your ignition system, wires, or maybe the block ground (surely it's grounded somewhere).
If your carb can get air, sparkplugs are sparking, and your getting gas to the intake, but not too much... it should at least sputter and want to be alive UNLESS your timing is a tooth or two off.
Just for starters...
He who is without oil shall throw the first rod. Compressions 8.7:1
1972 C10
1976 C10 (parts truck)
1985 K20
Last edited by sick472; 01-24-2018 at 02:38 PM.
Reason: Slow response timing.