Thread: New brakes suck
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Old 02-05-2018, 05:00 PM   #13
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Re: New brakes suck

I have an entirely new system as well, and could not get the brakes bled to save my life. I probably went through 2 gallons of fluid over a three week period trying to get them bled.

I know what you guys are going to say, but I ended up taking the truck to Brake Check.

I had to wait until "the old guy" came into work because all of the younger mechanics had no clue.

It was pretty reasonable...they only charged me $75, but they had to gravity bleed the system for about 1 hour. They did this by having all of the bleeders open simultaneously, and continuously pouring fluid in the master cylinder.

When they got fluid without bubbles they closed the bleeders and pressure bled the system the old fashioned way without any vacuum, or forced bleeding.

In all it took about 2 hours. At times they had two to three guys working on my truck. I think they came out on the raw end of the deal money wise.
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