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Old 03-02-2018, 10:17 AM   #1
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Location: Knoxville, TN
Posts: 6
250 6 cylinder engine, Power steering, offset air cleaner, and other parts

I pulled my 250 6 cylinder this week to get ready for my LS swap and looking to unload it out of my garage.

Best to my knowledge its the original motor. I got it running pretty decent with a valve job, new carb, and rebuilt distributor but it still smokes heavy. only has about 70-90 psi with compression check in all the cylinders. I have a video of it running. Along the way, I bought a lot of new parts for it. I was planning on running until I found a good deal on a LS motor.

Located in KNOXVILLE, TN 37914.

Will ship smaller less heavier items if buyer pays for the ride. The engine and other heavy items I would like to be picked up. Paypal, cashier's check, or cash money is the forms of payment

I'd sell the entire setup, engine, carb, trans, etc for $400

Offset air cleaner -$150 ~~~ SOLD ~~~

Power steering setup - ~~~~ SOLD~~~~

new double groove alternator - ~~~~ SOLD~~~

New starter for manual trans : $45

Professionally rebuilt Monojet carb - with ELECTRIC CHOKE - $200

Engine - $300

Factory 6 cylinder exhaust pipe- manifold to where muffler connects $30

3 speed transmission, clutch, bell housing z bar, with Hurst floor shifter etc - $150

Engine frame stands and engine mounts - ~ Frame mounts pending~~

I have other bits and pieces for it that I wont be using anymore radiator, etc if your looking for anything thats not listed let me know what you need and I'll price it

Thank you
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Last edited by silveradomoose; 03-04-2018 at 08:01 PM.
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