Re: Rear differential suggestions
Thanks this is exactly the knowledge I'm needing
So long story short my truck was a father son project. They gutted her about 10 years ago his friend painted her and that was the last of it. So I know I am missing little motors and accessories. Im still trying to dig and see what i have and dont have.
For ogre or anyone who can help. He bought a mount for a v8 engine I'll try and get it out for pictures and info so I'm hoping it will work as far as transmission my dad can do some welding woukd you be suggesting like 1" square iron? And do you have any insights on or suggestions on how to do it. I havent started looking that up yet. I can try research on my own too. My dad is very crafty but even a photo in a build of someone else's would be helpful.
Adding in dsraven thank you for the insight. 1 mechanic I talked to didn't tell me all the things I needed for the differential so if I go that route thank you so much for the parts list to include. I'll try to address some of your points....
I currently have a standard column and no shifter. We are thinking it would be nice to do an automatic column and not a floor shifter for eas of having my daughtrer in the middle so I'm needing to resesrch columns that hopefully will also adapt to power steering someday if you have any suggestions that way. I heard that the tilt columns can sometimes be a problem?
And your comment is precisely where my head is. I hate to spend 300 getting my differential and drums running just to want disk brakes if I can potentially get a rear end with disk brakes for around that cost. So trying to consider options and also needing to look around here and see what options i might have. I need to understand the master cylinder better and I need to crawl under my truck I'm not sure I even have one to start with. You both brought up that it would need different things/setup for the master depending on what option I chose. I apologize I haven't got to researching that yet so I have no understanding of what I need there yet. If I have to buy one and wanted to stay with drum for now is there one that would be upgradeable to disk later? I know for sure I don't think my husband will let me leave the driveway without at least power front so I would be looking for at least a master that does power/drum and a kit for disk front. Although 1 mechanic suggested power master cylinder with my drum brakes? Would that be a viable starting place?
I'll start researching the power 400 as well for the future day of power steering!
And yes I have looked into some tanks and plan to move that out of the cab and appreciate your advising me on the safety concern.
I know I didn't get to all my questions regarding all the info you gave but this is a start.
Thank you again for sharing your knowledge. I am so excited to learn about this truck and keep making a plan. I found the original in a photo here she is for fun. I was about 2 I guess. This is the inspiration to get my dad and I a truck to share. I actually wanted a more patina and old looking truck but the ones I was finding were too rusty or too expensive and the one I got didn't need so many repairs so we will have a fancier version of our old girl I guess
Last edited by Missyblue; 03-18-2018 at 08:31 AM.