Thread: 13.85 Mpg!
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Old 04-30-2004, 05:01 PM   #29
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Originally posted by Longhorn Man
TX FIREFIGHTER...that just proves what I am always saying on here...lower RPM does not always equate to better MPG.
My GMC needs to run 75 - 80 to get the best numbers. Problem is, 75 - 80 is when the lack of aerodynamics really starts to hurt.
My engine is happy when it hits 3000 RPM. That is why I got such good MPG in the old longhorn. It was geared to where i was doing 3200 RPM right at 70 MPH.
I put that engien in the GMC with crappy 3.07 gears and my MPG went into the crapper. Down to 10 MPG overnight.
I can personally vouch for that. at 65-70 mph, my delta gets about 18 mpg. at 80-90 (about 1900-2000 RPM) I got a best ever of 24.3 mpg
1983 Oldsmobile Delta 88
1967 Chevy C-10 stripper - wanna go...faster? talk to FCR.

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