Thread: cfm quadrajet?
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Old 03-22-2018, 10:23 PM   #14
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Re: cfm quadrajet?

Originally Posted by Steeveedee View Post
The price of a book means little for the value received. I've bought many new books for less than used books, on Amazon. Can you point me to a failure on the part of either author on making a recommendation of carburetor work? Have you made a "better mileage or best of drags ever with a Q-Jet" comparison? Please let me know.
I have not made a better mileage or best of drags ever with a q jet comparison. why reinvent the wheel. It does not increase credability do do what others have already done, unless your audience does not know that. Thats why Roes book remains the best source on the Q Jet.

But I do make choices based on moral and ethical grounds. Does that Count? I have a Dyno App so I could have lied and say yes I did. It does not take more than a few questions to find out if someone is fibbing.

Hands down Roe's book is the better value. think about it.... a 35 year old used book on the subject going for more than a new one. The old one covers alot more.

And ultimatley.... I'm giving credit where credit is due. It avoids the issue of plagerism if you can reference your sources. But standards vary. No Chewing Gum or pencils. But now that the word is out on Roe's book. I'll buy a few and watch their prices rise.

all kidding aside it was stated that Cliff's book was "the book". It is not. Roe's was, is, and always will be. I like to set the two side by side and let others make an informed choice.

Last edited by old Rusty C10; 03-23-2018 at 03:53 PM.
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