Originally Posted by dsraven
some would have the pipe exit to the outside of the frame and channel back to the rear, thereby avoiding the tank altogether. the issue is the heat, possible hot carbon particles and also the oxides of nitrogen etc given off by the exhaust. the exhaust will usually rust everything downstream from it's outlet if possible. also, if idling for extended periods the fuel will heat up in the tank from the hot fumes. the less fuel in the tank the quicker it heats up.ensure you have a good vent yhat exits away from the exhaust exit area.
anyway, just, thoughts. lots of vehicles have midship exits and down turned pipes. sometimes that's all that works.
Thanks for your response. That's another thing I need to figure out, venting the tank. When reading up on it seems like people will buy vented caps, or add a vent to the tank itself. Do they do the same thing? Seems like it would be easier just to buy a vented cap then to try to modify the tank?