I just looked at a sectional view of a rear and see no leather parts you refer to. I think the only difficulty in rebuilding will be to get the gears. The bearings will probably be the easiest to get. If you can get all the parts I'm sure it will be kind of pricey to rebuild. Maybe your best bet is to get a used unit with good gears. I had the rear on my '70 Ford p/u rebuilt about 10yrs ago and it cost $500 then. Get the numbers off the bearings and see if they are obtainable. Try NAPA, they might even have a ring and pinion. Obsolete Parts in Nashville, Georgia might have the parts also. Good luck
'49 GMC 100
'70 Ford F100 351m/400
'95 GMC Jimmy
'98 S-10 4.3 Vortec 5 speed stick