Thread: Top Kick
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Old 05-06-2018, 05:49 PM   #24
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Re: Top Kick

You've got some good points. What's really sad is I felt my 327 SBC powered C50 was a bit sluggish when loaded or on hills, and felt that a BBC would fix it.

I guess not. Not sure what I'll do, but when that tired old engine comes out, I'm gonna have to build something strong enough to make the truck giddy up. I couldn't care less about fuel consumption since I don't drive my truck enough.

To post pictures, are they in a file on your computer? When replying to this thread, git the "go Advanced" button, below the text box, click a button that says "manage attachments". From here a window will pop up and click any button that says "browse". This will open a search window that can look through any file on your computer, but that can be a bit hard to use, so patiently look for your photo you want to post. Then click "upload". After that post the reply and you're good.
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