I'm about a month in on my new to me 70 gmc LWB 1/2t with 350/350. I think it was setup with a camper before (some weird wiring on the firewall and some "extra" wires going back to bed). ANyway, Previous owner put in dual electric fans (no flex or 7 blade fan on my engine). They also have the fans hooked up to a toggle switch???
I've only driven the truck off the trailer and onto the side of my house. I've ran the engine a few times since then to make sure it still starts.
My questions are:
1. Shouldn't the fans be wired differently? I'm in Bakersfield, CA BAKERsfield! It will easily be over 100 degrees for like 60-90 days this summer. I need this thing to stay cool.
2. Should I just scrap the whole electric fan thing and get a 7 blade with clutch? If so, which specific one should I get for my 350? Don't care about "period correct" just want "works when it's hot outside". Hopefully not too expensive cause this is a budget build.
3. If I do put a 7 blade on, would there be any benefit to leaving the electric fans in? Sorta double dipping? Or are they just going to be in the way of eachother??