There is a little bit of rust in the front corners of both doors, but I think its minimal. I do think there is a little bit of bondo on the rear cab corners. The floor pans were new when I bought it (July 2002). The wood bed was new, they did not do a good job with the metal strips though, they have some surface rust on them. They apparently tried to paint them yellow also, but most of it has all flaked off. It runs strong. I believe the timing is off just a bit I fooled with it a few weeks ago. It has been garage kept for almost a year now. I just put a set of drop springs on it, but its hard to tell unless you saw what it looked like before. The only bad spot of rust that I know of is under the battery on the fender well. I believe it would make it to Cincy. The only thing it needs is a balance and rotate job. The wheel weights that they stick on must have fallen off.