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Old 06-21-2018, 10:35 PM   #16
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Re: Missing Heater Core Stuff??

Originally Posted by cebra View Post
I wouldn't pay $200 for that. That is not the correct diverter box and it would require more fab work than it is worth in my eyes (unless compressor/hoses/drier) are all for a 67-72 which they don't appear to be. I would just post a wtb when you figure out what you are needing, i.e. during reassembly. It really shouldn't cost that much if you shop smart. The compressor is the only expensive part and they can be sourced (new and used). Look at the LMC catalog and they have great exploded views of the ac system. Right now you need a heater core and the large inside diverter box from what I see. You can probably salvage the other inside ones with fiberglas work. I would start from there and build out and accumulate parts as you go. Just the way I would go about it.
Ok cool, I’ll move forward with what I have. Anything to “watch out for” taking this stuff apart? Just don’t want to break something that I’m going to have to buy. Also, I think I read the hood hinge needs to come off (and maybe the inner fender well)??
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