Originally Posted by 67chevemall
To save money just wire the fan to a toggle switch.
And the cables are not necessary. You can reach the controls by hand. I leave mine on defrost and turn the heat one on in winter. And sell all the ac parts. Ac is for girls.
There is just saved you 700

Guess I'm a girl then cause I love my AC and wouldn't own a daily driver without it. As for this truck, it won't be a daily and the AC part of it may have to take a back seat. I will get the AC working eventually though.
With all the leaves and mouse nests I've seen posted, I'm definitely pulling mine and gonna go through it (clean it up and fix/paint the hardware before putting it back together). I'll put a new heater core in too. Gonna try to salvage and repair all that I can.
Not sure what the average spring/summer temps are where you live, but here in BAKERsfield CA, we typically get 60-90 days of 100+ degrees per season (with another 60 days in the 90s). It's HOT!