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Old 06-25-2018, 01:43 PM   #4
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Re: Moog Pitman Arm - is it supposed to have a rubber boot?

I saw this late last night and did a little checking myself. My truck isn't at my house, but I have a lot of pictures of everything on it saved on my pc. I replaced my steering parts when I added power steering about 16 or 17 years ago. I'm not 100% sure from the picture, but it looks like mine has a a foam seal on the pitman and a boot on the idler. If it is foam, it's lasted a long time already. I'll check next chance I get.
I looked at the pictures on Rockauto and found the same thing. I also checked pitman and idler arms for my newer blazer and found they also come with foam rings. I guess it they do fail, it's not that hard to pop the joint apart and install another one.
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