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Old 06-25-2018, 04:48 PM   #4
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Re: Steering Column Installed Height/Linkage Length

For everyone's reference into the future, here is what I learned:

The LMC part number shown above is a kit that includes the U joint, shaft set, and rag joint. It's complete and ready to install. However, it's a repackaged CPP part number, which I assume could be purchased directly for less. I did not confirm.

Either way, it's great LMC is such a huge resource, but I do wish they had tech support. I get why they don't, but I do spend much more with firms who offer phone based tech support.

Since I purchased it from LMC, I called them first. They were not able to assist, but I called CPP and the tech who answered the call gave me the answer 10 seconds into our call together.

Point of the story is: 2" minimum length overlap of the double D shaft into the larger diameter lower shaft per CPP. Not only is the 2" a minimum for that measurement, but they also want 2" of collapse available as a minimum as well. On our trucks it shouldn't matter as 2" overlap will provide much more than 2" of collapsible space, but on a passenger car that may come into play.
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