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Old 07-11-2018, 12:13 AM   #2
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Re: Champion Radiator Mounting?

Good question. I don't have a champion, but I do have one that looks identical - probably even the same dimensions made by Northern Radiators.

Last week I was trying to fit mine in my 67 - needless to say it doesn't fit. It fits snug on the bottom braces that are riveted in the core support, but the radiator is sitting at an angle. The top is tilted towards the engine. Is this how yours is? The upper brackets don't even fit very well as they don't seem to line up with the original holes in the support.

I called Northern Radiators and they said it will take some modifications to get these to fit. I wasn't too happy since when I purchased this a few years ago I told them I wanted a direct drop in, which means no modifications! I'm sure that's what you were wanting/expecting too.

My plan since I'm stuck with it - can't return it since I bought it a couple years ago, I am going to modify the core support. It's pretty rusted out anyway. I'm going to cut off the lip where the radiator hits it. I might have to cut out one of the side brackets on the battery side since I believe it hits that too. Then I'll probably have to make new brackets or drill new mounting holes in the support.

If you don't want to do a lot of modifying I would try and return yours and look through the board vendors and purchase a more direct fit radiator. They will be more money than the champion. RnD Fabrication, Be Cool, Entropy Radiators all sell (most likely) better fitting Radiators.

Good luck. Whichever way you go take some pics and post them up. Gives me more ideas!
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