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Old 07-17-2018, 10:58 AM   #38
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Re: Anyone got steel rear bumpers with the dealer name stamped in it.

Never thought much about it but I had a ‘68 / 50th with “special” bumpers front and rear. The rear was similar to these except the wording was built up instead of stamped in. I thought/think it was welded.
The front bumper was quite a sight too. It was built out of diamond plate steel and was a combination Giant Bumper and a toolbox. Probably 18 or 20 inches tall and 16 inches deep with 3 hinged lids.
Was a good ol truck that I would take back in now, but at the time it was just a good work truck that was bought cheap off the back row of a used car lot.
Wish I had a picture of it to show but was pre digital/phone cameras and my brother has all the family pictures..
1951 GMC 250 Open Express Pickup
1968 Suburban C10
1971 C20 Olive
“People are shocked when they find out I’m not a good electrician”
Dad told me “Son, never strike a man in anger- unless you’re certain you can get away with it”
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