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Old 09-24-2018, 12:35 PM   #15
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Re: Master Cylinder how bad does this look? w/ pics

Originally Posted by lil hoodlum View Post
My master cylinder is about the same shape yours is in less the rust on the top. I have another MC waiting to go in.

Question, how do you go about flushing the brake system? I know my brake fluid is in about the same condition as 71 theequartertons.
You will have to bleed the brakes. To start I would gravity bleed the system until you get clean fluid before you remove the old master cylinder. Then bench bleed the new one, install and gravity bleed the system. If you have a "good pedal"" you're done. If not may find that bleeding by pumping or a vacuum method will be needed. On an old system if you have problems getting fluid out a bleeder with the gravity method I would replace the hose associated with that wheel. Old hoses are problematic as they can degrade internally.
I really feel they should be changed for no other reason than they bleed easier. I couldn't tell you how many hours I have fought with brakes only to find it was a bad hose. They are cheap and make life easier.
Here is a link with more info and there are plenty of YouTube videos too.
Thanks to Bob and Jeanie and everyone else at Superior Performance for all their great help.
RIP Bob Parks.
1967 Burban (the WMB),1988 S10 Blazer (the Stink10 II),1969 GTO (the Goat), 1970 Javelin, 1952 F2 Ford OHC six 4X4, 29 Model A, 72 Firebird (the DBP Bird). 85 Alfa Romeo
If it breaks I didn't want it in the first place
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