Thread: 75 Dually build
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Old 10-07-2018, 12:31 AM   #1096
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Re: 75 Dually build

Who ever painted the that nasty blue grey paint on the injector lines was one mean dude! It took me forever to get all the paint off but now I have some super shiny zinc coated injector lines! Shiny I say, SHINY!!

Today was mostly getting a ton of small things completed and checked off the list. I did get my drive shaft off to the drive shaft guys on Friday. Like normal they are 7 to 10 days behind..., but tell me have you ever had a drive shaft guy that was ever caught up!?!? Just sayin'!

Transmission stuff is next. The coolers and the hard lines, along with the thermostat controls. Oh yes and the shifting linkage, can't forget that. Ug... death by 1000 cuts I tell ya!

Stay tuned!
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