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Old 10-31-2018, 09:28 AM   #15
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Re: Rear axle ratio stuff ...

Originally Posted by jocko View Post
29" tire, TH400, and 2600 rpm @ 50 mph = 4.57 gear.
Are you using your speedometer or a GPS for the speed you think you're at? (use a GPS).
I'm using the speedometer, but checked it against one of those radar devices... it's pretty close. I'll try it with a GPS.

The thing is, I'll turn a corner and before I even straighten the wheels out, it's into 2nd and then hit third at 25-30. Seems to wind. I tried looking for the stampings on the rear axle but can't find any.... I thought that would tell me something.

That chart is great, so I have more work to do figuring this thing out. Why the spinning the wheels and counting the driveshaft rotations isn't working, I'll never know

*edit* I should mention too that I have a B&M 2000 to 2200 stall converter, however I'm taking the reading at easy throttle cruising speed, so any slipping should be minimal. It was pretty much the same with the stock converter.

Last edited by Zone47; 10-31-2018 at 09:46 AM.
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