OK, I'm confused (nothing new here!). The distributor wasn't installed when I bought the truck. Reading the service manual, it says set the engine to TDC on the compression stroke. I'm using the timing mark on the pulley and the timing mark plate to set TDC, which jibes with the position of the piston. No problem. Then the following:
2. Position distributor to opening in block in normal installed attitude (fig. 19i and 21i), noting position of vacuum control unit.
3. Position rotor to point toward front of engine (with distributor housing held in installed attitude), then turn rotor counter-clockwise approximately 1/8 turn more toward left cylinder bank and push distributor down to engine camshaft. It may be necessary to rotate rotor slightly until camshaft engagement is felt.
4. <blah blah to get distributor to fully seat>
5. Turn distributor body slightly until points just open and tighten distributor clamp bolt.
6. Place distributor cap in position and check to see that rotor lines up with terminal for No. 1 spark plug.
Picture 19i (page 6Y-31) is worthless. It's a side view, total lack of perspective. This appears to result in the rotor pointing at cylinder #1. First, step 5 doesn't indicate WHICH way to turn the distributor body. Rotating it counter-clockwise has the vacuum advance port pointing just about into the block, while turning it clockwise has it pointing almost directly at the battery tray. And in neither case is the rotor pointing to the number 1 cylinder on the distributor cap, which is where I would think it should be when you're setting it at 0 degrees TDC.
So what's the correct way for installing the distributor shaft and statically setting the distributor body for first start?
This is
a picture of my distributor as installed per step 3. Attached is someone else's L6 that I'm using as a reference.