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Old 05-23-2004, 01:42 AM   #27
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Posts: 38
Like I said, I use to own a 4x4 and I loved it, for what I bought it for. If I were back up north, and having snow (use to get 5-8 foot drifts) in our driveway. the ol 78 1/2 ton had 1 ton springs under it. And the truck was an old well tending truck. Bumpers, not on that girl, 4 inch well casing. Perfect for gettin back in the slow lane, as much as I hate to say it, (you own corvette's), They sure did slow down and let me back in rather quickly.

That truck would pull with the best of em as well. The rebuilt 305 would break the tires loose on the 1-2 shift and the 2-3 shift, not to shabby for an auto. I really loved having the 2 low in the transfer case as well. Loving the mud as much as I did, some times 4 low would not get me out but the 2 low would. I once had 8 motors in the bed, 2 were 318's, the rest were bb chryslers, and my friend's comment was "da--, this rides better than my caddy"

Anyway, the sticker stays. So blow my trucks doors off. I love it. 4x4's do have a place and I do not look down (LOL) at them. I just like to be --------provocative at times. And at least you will know its me when you get behind me.
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