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Old 01-20-2019, 03:37 AM   #2
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Re: Springs in front with a bbc

I used to run a '67 K/10 Suburban with a 454 the PO had shoehorned in. '67 4X4 1/2 tons had just 2 leaves of tapered leaf springs. Twenty-six years later [I bought it in '93] metal fatigue would have allowed them to sag. Original engine was possibly a 283 which would have weighed about 150 lbs less than the big block. PO did nothing to beef up the suspension.
On the freeway at 70-80 mph, that doghouse would jump around like a Go-Go Girl in a cage.
On a coil spring truck, you miight be able to replace the OEM front springs with heavy duty ones.
[Although the trend is to put in weaker, or cut-down, front coil springs to get a lowered effect.]

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.
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