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Old 01-28-2019, 11:24 AM   #13
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Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 77
Re: steering too light-74 Blazer

Very easy fix. Go to Speedway website and order their pump flow control valve, don't have the part # handy. Stock pump puts out 3 gpm, replacement valve is 2.5 gpm I believe. Make sure to also get the o-ring to flare fitting adaptor. All in costs around $20, change it in 10 minutes.
I did this swap on my 75 Jimmy and steering feel is like my Duramax. Also did my 70 Chevelle and a few other 70's in my fleet and am more than impressed with how such a simple fix this is. That 3 gpm factory flow rate was there to produce that 1 finger steering feel, which today feels way too light compared to modern vehicles. Speedway sells these for the circle track crowd.

Post back after you do the swap, curious if you have similar results.
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