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Old 01-31-2019, 01:06 AM   #19
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Re: Disc brake conversion is driving me crazy!

I fixed the brakes today!

I got to thinking about what else I had changed or modified when doing the install and I remembered that the booster did not have a rubber cover on the back of it like the drum/drum master had. It left a large gap between the rod and the firewall hole which would let tons of hot air into the cab.

I had found a rubber cup that fit perfectly around the shaft and the booster end.

That was the problem area. The cup was not allowing any air to enter the backside of the booster which effectively eliminated the booster all together.

The booster was getting plenty of vacuum but no air on the backside. I cut off the cup and bam I had super strong light effort brakes as designed.

So the whole problem was my fault for adding the cup when it did not need one.

Thank you all for your assistance!
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