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Old 03-18-2019, 04:17 PM   #16
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Re: WTB: SBC oil dipstick and tube - see picture

Originally Posted by undertaker72 View Post
These are in my opinion kind of hard to find I have three of them I really don't care if I sell one if you want to buy one I will sell you the one that has had the flange welded as they always break at the special stud because people won't use a backup 9/16 wrench when they undo the 1/2 nut, this also had a small crack down at the base where it goes into the block both was professionally welded and repaired if you want it you can have it for $105 shipped if using PayPal I would like fees considered
Thank you undertaker72, but I'm going to pass. I have access locally to a dipstick in similar condition (cracked/repaired), but I really want a good clean undamaged unit - like the bottom one you have pictured, as it looks clean from what I can see. So, wishful thinking I know, but I can continue to run my short dipstick until one turns up.

If you decide later on to sell one with no weld repair or damage... shoot me a PM please.

Thanks again
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