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Old 03-19-2019, 11:08 PM   #6
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Re: Electrical Question

On a plastic connector such as the one that plugs into the ignition switch or into the wiper switch or the fan switch or motor, sometimes when you plug it in it is possible for a terminal to push out the back of the plastic connector instead of sliding onto the spade of the switch. Check it out to make sure that is not happening to you.

Get one of those test lights that has the sharp pointed end and the alligator clip that connects to ground. Connect the alligator clip to a good clean metal ground point, and poke the pointy end where you want to check for voltage. You can press it against terminals, poke it into the back of connectors to touch the terminal metal when it is still connected, and you can poke through wire insulation to contact the wire inside.

You can't see if a fuse is good, you have to test. I recommend testing by checking for voltage on the actual clips that hold the fuse, on both sides of the fuse.

You get the best results when checking for voltage if the item you are powering is turned on and the item is drawing current or trying to draw current. So turn the blower and wipers on when testing. See if the voltage tester reads differently when the blower or wipers are turned off, which would indicate a high resistance connection such as a corroded terminal or wire will give.
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