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Old 05-29-2004, 07:15 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by glock35ipsc
BTW, what is your avatar pic? Is that an SKS with a Monte Carlo stock? Can't quite tell, too smal for me eyesl

yeah its a chinky with a monte carlo stock I just recently traded it off it was an impulse buy to begin with gave 100 for the gun and picked that stock up at a gun shop for 13 bucks I couldnt hit the red side of a barn with that thing I was fortunate to hit the same spot twice i think someone had shot alot of rounds trou it and then proped it up in a posistion to bend the barrel .

Aint no tellin those guns are old to begin with

I think if i ever got into another SKS i would get a unissued yugo out of center fire there only like 80 bucks Friend of mine got one its fairly accurate and really clean for a wood stock sks
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