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Old 05-06-2019, 05:08 PM   #1
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Blazer Jimmy console hinges

A buddy sent me these pictures showing the two styles of hinges for the Blazer consoles. He asked me if I remember where they were used. My memory is the straight flat hinges were used on the early consoles (1969, 1970?) and the second style was used on the later consoles. However I do believe the second, more complex style was used on 1971, 1972 consoles even with the "seat belt" style. Any help would be appreciated. Maybe you could even check your console to see what style you have and the year of your Blazer. It would help if you were pretty sure the console was original to your Blazer. I have only seen the second style on any of the later 1973-1977 or 1978 "cup holder" style consoles. Thanks
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