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Old 06-21-2019, 02:20 AM   #33
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Re: I cut my dash tonight.

Originally Posted by Killer Bee View Post
not that it's germane to the subject but no, they weren't..

DIN is a German institute that created that standard for German auto manufacturers..

which of course the US OEMs and global aftermarket later followed..

now which ever of those YOU were exposed to first, may not have been it's actual origin
Didn't know that. My exposure was mostly late 90's early 2000s where most cars had the POTENTIAL, but it required a new plastic kit, the removal of some components etc. IE the modification of the dash. Even some of the german cars I had were similar. Like the E36 BMW where you could fit a double din, but had to shift the heater controls down to where an open pocket was.

In any case, people have been modifying their dash for decades. We just got better/smarter at making things more modular so modification didn't mean cutting metal, and in most cases, was easier to reverse.
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