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Old 06-03-2004, 08:55 PM   #11
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recently talking to my dad who is a CLS(certified lubrication specilalist) this is what he says about oils.

It may be true that royal purple does not have chlorinated parrafins, however, it does have chlorinated hydrocarbons, and heavy metals such as Boran. Which are hazardous materials to the EPA. It is not true that royal purple is a true synthetic, its merly a blend. That is proved by the viscosity index. Royal Purples viscosity index is 110, the lowest viscosity index of a true synthetic(polyalphaolyphin PAO) is 140. THere fore it is not possible for Royal Purple to be a 100% PAO. Oh by the way, ROyal Purple will not tell you what is in there oils. THey only make fantastic claims about its performance. Many people have claimed the benifits of ROyal Purple, only to lose their engines and decided maybe that wasn't quite true. Delvac 400 is good oil, but Mobil 1 is this best.
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