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Old 06-30-2019, 10:22 PM   #1
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Location: Dunwoody,Ga
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Tuff Stuff disappointment

Having to get another brake booster for my 70 C10 rebuilt one- several have said not to go rebuilt route so I decided to get one from Tuff Stuff.

Emailed Tuff Stuff and got list of what would fit my truck. Ordered on line from Summit. Summit is just an hour down the road (blessing and curse) so I went and picked it up last Tuesday.

Upon opening found no instructions and a letter that stated any marring of finish or just about anything would make unit non returnable.

First thing I noticed that mc push rod was way too short. Another mc rod along with another firewall push rod was included. Neither rod had anyway that I saw to adjust length.

I assumed that the short rod would just pull out and you could put in the long one. Pulling with fingers didn't remove it. Rather than risk screwing something up I called Tuff Stuff tech support and they have yet to call me back.

I also noticed that the firewall side rod has a clevis instead of a 'drilled hole' like the regular booster. The connecting pin just flopped around in the Tuff Stuff clevis.

While it might have worked - I don't know about the mc clearance - it would have had a lot of play on the firewall side and I think the pin would suffer some quick wear.

Going to take back next week.
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