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Old 07-13-2019, 03:20 AM   #1
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Parchment consoles, restored

Members have been waiting on these so here is the line as I recall....
Aotte1, he asked about one a couple of weeks ago and has been following up
AASmedic, purchased the seatbelt console originally, it got shipping damaged
A1vintage, he called for it first on the original ad
Blazerowner, second to call for it on the original ad
Here is the original ad
Damaged console for sale
Seatbelt console is $350 shipped, I’m buried in this one, I paid shipping both ways to AASmedic and ups denied the damage claim, then I had to repair it and paint it again, shipping was about $80 and I have $50 in paint tied up in it and a ton of labor fixing fit up twice not to mention what i paid for it originally...
Cupholder console is $500 shipped, i built this one for my crew cab but I do have another one if someone needs this one.
Besides the first picture of both consoles together the pictures are all of the seatbelt console.
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Last edited by randy500; 07-13-2019 at 03:27 AM.
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