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Old 08-18-2019, 09:01 AM   #17
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Re: Blazer at 2019 SETN show

Originally Posted by stangtjk View Post
Might not be so far off now. "Buy it now" price on eBay has dropped to $84k.
And at that price eBay and Smokey mountain gets a cut. He says he will accept my offer.

We are in negotiations right now. I just need a few answers but I am 90% sure I am going to buy it.

I am disabled and cant do much of any work to a vehicle anymore. I live in MA with strict vehicle inspections. The Blazer has no seat belts (he is going to check his pictures to see if the mounting points are still there under the rug). If they are not it would be difficult to install due to the torque/rocker boxes (not impossible) and finding a full set of Blazer belts nice enough for this Blazer in red or black would be very difficult. I could just get some after market belts for the inspection (probably what I would do).

The Bedsides are new aftermarket and have not been drilled for the hard top. I will most likely only have the top on during winter storage anyway but I am concerned how it would survive shipping 1000 miles only bolted at the windshield and the rear brackets. Is it going to move enough to damage the top of the bedsides? Maybe I can have him place a rubber strip on the top of the bedsides before installing top for shipping?

I was talking to him last night, I should know for sure soon! I'll post either way.
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